I don't really have anything earthshattering to report. I notice that it's been awhile since there was a post here.... one of the blogs I read pretty regularly calls it 'blogstipation'. Hmmmm.
Our ocean trip got cut short so there was no report there. We've had some family stuff to work thru and haven't been doing much else. I have managed to sneak away a couple of times to make beads. I went to the Sock Summit in Oregon.... it was a yarn/fiber thing. I had such a good time, I didn't take pictures. There was yarn and fiber and beer and Voodoo Donuts- YUM to all of it!
One of the things I made to take on the ocean trip was Jalapeno Rhubarb Chutney for our friend Tim. Tim likes HOT food. REALLY HOT. The Chutney didn't really make the TimHOT scale but it was tasty so I made some more. Yes, I plan to bring some to Apache Junction.
Dave is close to getting the new gas tank for his bike, I'm sure he'll post pictures when that's complete.
Man, this is really dull stuff... maybe a couple of pictures will help..